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Ladies and Gents it’s my great pleasure on this December 1st 2016 to welcome you, one and all, to GLADvent! Just the familiar recognition of the passing of the days leading up to Christmas, but with an extra twist of Joy and Gratitude thrown in.


To mark the passage of time, and offer daily invitations to reflect and give thanks, I’ve created a GLADvent calendar, which I’d love for you to ‘open’ with me each day, from now until December 24th.

This is not to deny that there are many and real problems we face right now, both individually and as a collective. It is to remind me, and anyone else who needs a nudge, that there is still much of beauty and blessing in this world. That remembering is a source of strength that can be used to face those challenges with courage and compassion.

The numbered stockings each have a specific word and related quote written on the back. The quote is a bonus, for it’s the word that is intended to be an invitation to give thanks for the presence of that thing or quality in our lives. Can you find number 1?



OK friends, let me turn it over for you and let’s see what we’ve got…



KINDNESS: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.Plato

Now take a moment to pause and reflect upon how kindness has shown up in your life recently; kindness given, kindness received or both.


And we’re off! The GLADvent journey has begun. Hope to see you tomorrow for stocking number 2.

Feel free to share your thoughts and reflections in the comments section below,

and welcome to GLADvent!