Upcoming Writing Workshops, and Creative Prompts


Writing ”Poetry to Order” at Dartington Shops Christmas Fair


I lead workshops using a variety of exercises, writing both individually and as a group, to support people in using writing as a tool for self exploration and creative personal discovery.  The idea is to simply let it flow, not to think too much or try too hard, or get stuck in ‘I’m not a writer!’ – just write! And then, if you wish to, read it aloud to the group.


I offer two regular writing workshops in Totnes; a weekly one on Friday mornings at Birdwood House, and a monthly Tuesday evening session at the Community Bookshop in Castle Street. See flyers below for further details:

Picture birdwood


Picture Bookshop


I look forward to writing with you!


If you can’t make it to one of these workshops, or first want to try out a few of the exercises we’ve used recently, you can look at the weekly Writers’ Well post, which I add to the blog each Wednesday. Here are a few examples:


What is…

Body scan: Writers’ Well

Lost and Found – Writers’ Well


You could also check my page of prompts inspired by the elements:

Writing Prompts – The Elements

