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flowers2Week 18, and a week when the river of life roared and rushed again with full force, and yet, in spite of this I could really feel a loving energy steering and guiding me, so there was no fear, no matter how wild the ride:-)

May I again appreciate my dear ‘Good Deed friend’, Rosie, the inspiration for all these posts, and who has added a new adventure to her blogging life for the month of September, sharing and celebrating romance with a new author every day! DO check it out:


For other Good Deeds posts I’ve written, including the original, please check out:

Good Deed Weeks!

Sunday 15th September

I agreed spontaneously to give a private English lesson that afternoon. Posted my weekly good deeds AND had a go at a writing prompt offered by a fellow blogger. Emailed my Dad to arrange another time to Skype/chat. Immediately responded to a friend who emailed a hello while I was online, and we had a mini email conversation:-)

AND good deed(s) received:

Was given some home grown cooking apples from the tree of the gentlemen who’s wife I care for. I received a lot of appreciative and encouraging comments on both posts I published today – thanks so much dear WP friends:-)

Monday 16th September

Bought a fellow blogger’s book, A Girl Named Cord (see my review, posted Thursday) My first ebook! Bought cookies to share with Mum as I went home for the morning and laid and lit a fire, as it was quite cold.

AND good deed(s) received:

Thanks to a blogging friend I was able to download the kindle app onto my PC laptop and a whole new eBook world was opened up to me! Thanks again Briana:-)

Tuesday 17th September

Wrote and sent a gratitude piece for publication in our community weekly magazine. Made time over breakfast to chat to a friend who needed to get something off her chest, even though I was anxious to prepare for the morning’s teaching.

AND good deed(s) received:

I had left my scarf in the dining room, and one of my students saw it and picked it up to bring it to me.

Wednesday 18th September

Bought another eBook I’d been dying to read, by a wonderful poet and author I’ve met on WordPress – hooray! I’ll tell you more when I’ve read it:-) Gave all the students I’ve been teaching a copy of my book of poems as a goodbye gift, as I wouldn’t be teaching them again, though we’d eat together and celebrate on Friday.

AND good deed(s) received:

My students all asked me to sign my book book of poems for them, with a short personal dedication. They literally queued and ALL waited for me to write something – it was really very sweet:-)

Thursday 19th September

Posted a review of the book I bought earlier in the week, here on my blog and on Amazon UK.

AND good deed(s) received:

The boys I teach shared some of their skittles (sweets/candy) with me during our lesson (!) and, when I was asking their mothers when we should have the next lesson, they chorused, ‘Tomorrow, tomorrow!’

Friday 20th September

I had been waiting for the inspiration to make/write something for my mother to bless her new business venture and at last, just in time, it came …what I call a ripple story (for more details see writing prompts you to try). The first line is the action you take to begin the ripple of a chosen quality/positive energy. I chose Joy, and began by giving my mother the bunch of roses pictured at the beginning of this post. I also spent a few hours helping her with food preparation and shopping, and bought her a cash box for the takings!

joystory1AND good deed(s) received:

A friend invited me out for coffee next Thursday – we have so much catching up to do! The students had all written in a thank you card and gave it to me at the dinner that evening.

Saturday 21st September

I helped my mother, and her friend and business partner, on the opening day of their new juice bar and creperie! It’s a weekend thing only, for now, taking over a local snack bar that is normally closed at the weekend. A couple of other friends helped out too, and later in the day I gave a lift to people who needed to get home. I put a hot water bottle ready in my Mum’s bed, for when she got back.

AND good deed(s) received:

Lots of warm hugs of blessing and appreciation from the students I’d been teaching over the last month, as they began the next chapter in their own lives.  Two people, on separate occasions, stopped me when they saw me and made a point of thanking me for the gratitude piece I wrote for our community magazine. I was really touched. It follows at the end of this post, for those who’d like to read it.

Wishing you all a wonderful week dear friends:-)


Harmonious Gratitude!!!

I have a little GRATITUDE catch up to do my friends, which I offer first to Grace, God and the Angels, because I feel especially held and blessed at the moment, and even, dare I say, ‘celebrated’ by the Universe who is responding to my needs and efforts in so many super synchronous ways. Spirit feels so close, I swear I almost turn to look over my shoulder expecting to catch the faintest hint of a sparkling smile suspended in the air.

A couple of weeks ago I drunk deeply of, the harmony and sacredness that is Harmonic Temple singing held by David and Vera, and the beauty of the experience was doubly felt when they invited donations for Beatha (my dear friend in Rwanda), to which those present gave incredibly generously – to the tune (excuse the pun!) of £70! This was followed shortly afterward by a very sweet surprise ‘paying it forward’ when someone was rewarded for a good deed and decided to pass that reward of £10 on to me, to be given again to Beatha. You may be aware that I recently held a brunch sale, which raised over £200 (some late donations came in after the event), and when I spoke to Beatha recently after sending her that money, she was so excited and grateful, and looking forward to using it to grow her new business of selling food.

I have so much to be grateful for. I have friends as colleagues, who leave cards in my room blessing me with peace, joy and rest. I have friends as students who give me angels, call me an angel and speak to angels. I have friends as former students who feed me cake, serve me delicious tea and then still pay me to spend time with their adorable young sons who are taking on the challenges of learning the English language with a very inspiring sense of confidence and fun.

And I also want to share…that I have much to be grateful for that more and more people seem not to be able to take for granted, but that in my whole life I have never been without. I have a family who love me, and whom I love dearly. I have a sweet, comfortable, peaceful home where I am safe, dry and warm. I have an abundance of food that nourishes me…as well as the chance to indulge in that which I enjoy, but don’t need (chocolate, cake etc). I have knowledge, both learned and gifted, which I can use to create the life I wish for and to bless the lives of others. I have health, and a body that serves me willingly and reliably as I garden, chop wood, dance and sing…and that rests well at night. I have dreams that live in me yet, despite them sometimes feeling far away, for I am surrounded by those who blow wings towards my dreams and wish them flight.

Truly, I am one of the luckiest people on this earth, and I choose not to question why, but rather I ask…what? What, spirit, do you wish me to do with all these blessings? How may I serve you, that all I have and more may be enjoyed by all others too? I know there’s an answer on its way to me…and my soul is open. I’m ready, just show me the way…

With all my love and gratitude, Harula xxxxxxxx