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I mentioned in my last post a tree, that lives near me, whose trunk is so thick that it takes seven of us to hug it! I’ve been asked for a photo, but until that comes here’s a poem that just wrote itself now as I checked out the recent images on my inner camera…say cheese tree!


I’m in love with a tree

that’s seven folk thick

if we hold hands and stretch

we can just about fit

a laughing group hug

round its trunk if we touch

our cheeks to its bark

so sweet smelling and rough


Tree’s older than me

by a century, more,

so I lean on its strength

and I feel my heart sore

as my tears kiss the moss

that has made tree its home

’till my own roots can feel

that I’m never alone…


If you don’t go out now and hug a tree, I’ve failed to capture this tree’s majesty!:-)